Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), is one of the largest independent centres of research on the brain and nervous system in Australia, based in Sydney. Recognised as an international leader, NeuRA is changing the face of research into diseases and disorders of the brain and nervous system.
NeuRA hosts a dynamic, large and diverse group of neuroscientists, clinicians and research leaders who are united by a goal of excellence in research that is translated into benefits to improve people’s lives. The Institute hosts over 300 staff and students in 33 research groups across five broad themes. Staff work in a world-class research environment comprising new, purpose built facilities that are collocated with affiliates the University of New South Wales, Prince of Wales Hospital and the Black Dog Institute.
About the role
The recent merger of the Schizophrenia Research Institute and NeuRA has created an opportunity to expand the Schizophrenia Research Program. With support from the NeuRA Discovery Fund, which aims to attract and support the best and brightest leaders in priority areas of neuroscience research, the Institute has created a new position of Research Group Leader who will be able to develop and lead an independent and innovative schizophrenia research program, and build on the strengths of NeuRA and its partners for increased impact.
The successful candidate will have a strong and innovative, continuing research track record in undertaking either laboratory or clinical research that will broadly address one or both of the key objectives of the Schizophrenia Research Program:
– Identification of the causes of schizophrenia, or
– Identifying new treatment options for schizophrenia
Reporting to the Institute CEO, the appointee will
– Hold a PhD or MBBS/MD with at least five years’ additional research experience
– Hold a competitive Australian research fellowship (such as NHMRC Career Development Fellowship or higher) or be competitive for such a fellowship over the duration of the appointment
– Be an internationally recognised leader in their research field specialising in schizophrenia
The NeuRA Discovery Fund provides a flexible package of support over five years to fund the appointment and to support their activity. The appointment is for an initial period of five years with the possibility of extension.
For more information and to apply
Applications must comprise:
– a full Curriculum Vitae,
– statement systematically addressing the selection criteria
– brief outline of proposed research agenda (1-2 pages)
– nomination of 3-5 referees (these will not be contacted until later in the process)
To obtain the selection criteria and for a confidential discussion candidates should contact the search firm assisting NeuRA on this important appointment: Dr Rosalind De Sailly via email at
Complete applications received via email at will be considered from end of September until an appointment is made.